Recent Projects

Take a look at the ongoing activities happening at SG Fine Arts

Current Work in Progress

Step inside The Art Room, my working studio where all the art happens. From woodcuts and watercolor series to the occasional “call for entry” piece where I explore various media and ideas, it is all happening here. Get a behind the scenes look at what really goes into the creation of artwork.

Upper Peninsula – Our Story of Home

An ongoing series of paintings / woodcuts that depict the natural beauty and hometown heritage found within Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Some of us are natives, most of us are transplants but the Upper Peninsula’s enchantment has captured the hearts of us all and we are honored to call it home. For those of us not lucky enough to be born and raised Yoopers, we all have a story about what brought us here and a vivid description of why we will never leave.

Sacred Spaces

“Sacred Spaces” is a series in progress consisting of various media including pen & ink drawings, woodcut prints, and watercolor paintings of churches, cathedrals and beautiful sacred spaces.